Digital Media CT Blog

Careers in Creative Technology

“[My advice] for young creators is to first learn from a subject you’re interested in, so much so that you would consider yourself an expert. Your findings can then help build yourself a portfolio, and you’ll have something to showcase for that interest.”


Episode 4 of Select+CT with Sebastian Oddo, Octagon



Gen-Z continues to experience a never-ending evolution of disruptive technology. In no particular order; we had the Nintendo – DS apocalypse, the emergence of smart cars (i.e., Teslas, which don’t seem as funny anymore with the recent gas prices), and of course virtual assistants like SIRI and Alexa, and changes to devices like the tablet computing and smart phones – I’ll think I’ll stop there otherwise this list won’t end! 

What’s my point? Opportunities to engage creatively with new technology is everywhere – we refer to this as creative technology! And those of this generation will soon graduate with the intent of landing jobs in digital media because of these tech goldmines. Digital Media CT created a podcast dedicated to spreading information on just how this generation can start mining and getting more creative with emerging technological trends. 

See also: Careers in Motion GFX

On August 8th, 2020, guest Sebastian Oddo was interviewed. He is a Creative Technologist from Octagon, and holds the title of being the SVP of Innovations for the company. The role he carries helps give insight for rising digital media students. A Creative Technologist’s purpose in Sebastian’s words: “..Takes emerging trends, figures out how they can be relevant to their clients objectives. And then puts them into action. Get those things built.”

Sebastian goes on to explain that looking back after his ten year anniversary (at the time of this recording), he has helped numerous brands and athletes think about how they can use tech and emerging trends to put forth creative thinking into the world for both consumers and their fans to see. 

On a regular basis, he oversees teams of developers, project managers and UX designers to build websites and digital experiences. These constructions give massive insight into events and or stadiums. Clients of his usually seek multi sensory experiences; sound, gesture, things that are relevant to their consumers. These collectively (if done right) can bring these consumers’ senses to a heightened degree in order to increase the success of the overall advertisement of their company. An example of this is: questioning whether or not a Fit-Bit can be relevant to a brand like Cisco.

It can. Cisco was handed these bracelets to give to their employees, who then were told to go back and forth with each other in terms of exercising. They enjoyed it, a success.

See also: Beyond the Tech and IBM

Sebastian’s advice (as a creative technologist) for young creators is to first learn from a subject you’re interested in, so much so that you would consider yourself an expert. Your findings can then help build yourself a portfolio, and you’ll have something to showcase for that interest. Though, you shouldn’t limit your expertise to a subject that falls under the umbrella of your major. I am not going to spoil all of the episode, so click here to witness the remainder of this tech-talk:

Featured Program

Of the many Universities in Connecticut, Eastern CT State University actually offers a Design, Technology & Management concentration. Specific to theatre majors, this program allows students to develop skills in scenic design, light & sound design, and stage management. Eastern CT State has other creativity-engrained programs which can be found here.

DMCT Micro Credentials

If you are unsure of how your skills connect to Connecticut’s growing Digital Media industry, I encourage you to enroll in DMCT’s first micro-credential course, The Emerging Practitioner. I am a graduate of the program and learned a bunch of things to assist my transition from University to Career in CT and beyond!